Sunday, 21 July 2013

Getting inspiration from others

This week has been a bit of an anticlimax as far as the completed, production of art or craft is concerned, but I have still been very busy.

One day, I attended a knitting bee at a friend's house and was really inspired by what she has been up to, and her collection of art books.  She is in the process of making placemats from Kaffe Fasset materials adhered to maisonite and thin cork, and sealed with estapol.  Very funky!

She has also covered the tops of stools and tables with fabric:

 She and her grandchildren have been making little bowls from plastic beads:

And, she has made collagraphs from cardboard:

Of course,  I did knit, but she also introduced me to several artists like Cressida Campbell and Jorg Schmeisser - both incredible printmakers.

I went to my first etching class at the BIA and was  similarly blown away by the work of my fellow students.  Such a variety of styles, techniques and work!  I can't wait for their upcoming exhibition (more details later).  I didn't do much more than draw, in preparation for printing, but I still enjoyed myself intensely.  Plus on the way out, got to catch a glimpse of the latest exhibition:

Meantime, I have been developing my hare house, quilting my blue and white quilt, drawing and knitting.  Hopefully, I will complete some of these soon and move on to the next project.  I am missing my painting.

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